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The Clear Alternative to Braces

Prof. Dr. Siddik Malkoc has earned the distinction of being an Invisalign preferred provider. Invisalign is a patented system of custom, clear acrylic aligners that reposition teeth in less time than traditional braces. Call our office (+90 555 034 73 78) to get on the path to straight teeth right away!


The Benefits of Invisalign

In addition to their inconspicuous appearance, Invisalign aligners are removable. Patients simply take out their aligners to clean their teeth, eat a meal, or attend a special event. Unlike with traditional braces, Invisalign users need not restrict certain foods that commonly damage brackets and archwires. Patients can also clean their teeth more thoroughly, as they do not need to navigate a toothbrush and floss around fixed appliances.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Dr. Siddik Malkoc uses specialized software to design and plan treatment.  A certified Invisalign laboratory fabricates a set of aligners that will reposition teeth incrementally over a period of 9 to 18 months.  The patient will wear each aligner for approximately two weeks and then move to the next in his or her set.  For best results, patients should wear the Invisalign aligners for about 22 hours per day, taking them out only to eat, drink, or clean the teeth. Not wearing the aligners as instructed will result in longer treatment times.

To assess treatment progress, Prof. Dr. Siddik Malkoc prefers to see Invisalign patients once every six weeks or so. No “adjustment” is required. The appointments involve simple checkups to evaluate whether treatment is moving along as planned.

No metal. No wires. No brackets. No bands. Clearly, Invisalign is perfect for busy adults who want to maintain a sophisticated image.

The before and after images below are from Invisalign and demonstrate what is possible with Invisalign. We would love to help you achieve similar results!


For more information fill in the form below or call +90 555 034 73 78